Happy Hallowe’en!

Samhain  – or All Hallow’s Eve – is Urs Truly’s favorite holiday. This year’s entry is a”Curious Things” rather than a “Spo-reflection”. In the House of Spo Hallowe’en candy is a serious subject. I say feh to the usual imperial tid-bits to give out real treats, no rubbish.   There is a a strata of sweets, depending on the beggar before me:


The “A” Candy. 

This is for the munchkins in proper and clever costumes, and who  are gracious and remember to say thank you.  This year’s “A” candy are proper sized chocolate bars.

The “B” Candy.

The “B” sweets are for the hoi polloi and the hobbit-folk in decent enough costumes. They  each will get two parcels of Sour Patch kids.



The “C” Candy.

Children who are a) not in costume or b) brazen or c) just plain impudent get Smarties (cauldron not included. Two are given if the brat is only mildly bad; one if he’s a little brute.



This year there is a bonus bonbon. I had to hide the ‘A” candy chocolate bars as Harper kept eating them – or so Someone said when I questioned the shortcomings. So I squirreled them away only to forget abut them. Meanwhile I came up with another “A” candy – which is now the “A+” candy for tykes with superior costumes or who have’élan’ or come to my door with handsome dads. I’ve put several square of chocolate together tied up in a black pipe-cleaner. Suffer, Martha!

