I never go online to read what is written there about me.  I suspect there is some (a lot?) of negative reviews. In general, people go online to rate doctors when they are unhappy, which makes Yelp reviews etc. biased towards the complainers.  I cannot rebuke and clarify* matters as it breaks confidentiality. Lately I haven’t gone online to see the news either. Only recently I heard about the bad weather in Texas and Mr. Cruz in Mexico.**  Thanks to my avoidance of social media I wasn’t aware Mr. Limbaugh had died. *** 

As I write this, the sun is shining and it is 18C (mid-60s F).  When I don’t’ go onto the internet, life is quiet and pleasant – my life anyway.  The question arises: am I being sensible not going online looking for things or am I deluding myself?  Am I better off knowing what might be said of my online?  If there is a lot of negative reviews online, I see no evidence my business suffers for it.  New patients have to wait weeks, sometimes months, for an appointment with me. 

I always ask new patient ‘how did you find me or this place?”. Many say their GPs sent them (code: their doctors are happy with me to send me more patients) or they read something ‘good online about me’.  Word of mouth seems good enough to keep me gainfully employed, surpassing what may be written in the doctors reviews.

I will leave you with this charming vignette. I once asked the usual question and I got this response: The patient explained he had gone online to get the address where I work only to be taken right to a doctor review site. He states he read a review saying I was

‘Distant, pompous, arrogant, and godlike”

He explained: since he’s heard from his loved ones he is all that, I must be the right doc for him.  I was deeply touched by this complimentary thunderbolt. However, I stopped wearing to work the helmet and the eye patch.


*‘He did not listen to me’ is often code for someone wanted controlled substances and I would not give them.

**I like to go online and give Mr. Cruz a negative review. Stirge. 

***Can we say this is God’s will, and it was his own damn fault for his lifestyle choices?