It is rawther hot here, temperatures over 40C (104F). Too hot for walking whether Spo or Harper Hound. I don’t envy the roof-men although perhaps they are used to it and take frequent water breaks etc. They delivered the new tiles while I was at work so I didn’t see them. They were like Santa although the prizes are still up there; I can see the boxes. Next week I fly to Chicago so I won’t see them working; I come home to a new roof. I wonder if I will even see the difference.

The only good thing about the heat is it hight enough to make the first batch of solar tea I love it so. I found the glass container and put it out along with four tea bags (Barry’s Irish breakfast, no rubbish).

Someone (bless his heart) gave up trying to put together the entertainment system. It’s time to call in The Geek Squad (or someone like them) to do it for us. Electronics are so damn complicated these days, worse than neuroanatomy, and one needs a specialist. I have a terrible intuition when it is all set up I won’t understand how to work it and end up never using it like the last entertainment system. Oh the embarrassment.

Mr. Bezos (the dear!) sent me a six pack of Moxie. I was about to call it ‘Moxie cola’ but I am not sure it is a cola or even sure what it is. I’ve heard about the drink from thems who live/d in New England. I’ve been meaning to try some; it’s been on my bucket (small b) list for some time. So I finally got some. It’s nothing I’ve had before so its taste is off-setting as it tastes like a bad root beer or perhaps a cola that someone put something in it. I am not certain I like it. I have five more cans to determine so. I texted my friend DougT who grew up in Massachusetts but lives in Chicago that I have tried it. He replied he never liked it much but only knew it from bottles. I said I could bring him one next Tuesday. We saw some irony in this it is I who is bringing him a Moxie.

This being Father’s Day I will call Father and wish him a good day and then we will look for boats via the The Great Lakes webcams. I do this with most everyday already. The rest of Sunday isn’t much. I will do some preliminary packing for my trip and drink iced tea. Happily I am caught up with blogs, a relief. Stay indoors and try not to go out. Hugs.