I am 59 years old; I am well over four feet.

I started blogging in February 2006. My pen name is “UrSpo”. “Ur” suggests something ancient and primordial while “Spo” is a funny-sounding word I remember from my youth. Suddenly saying ‘Spo!’ made me smile.”UrSpo” sounds like the start of a joke, or something archetypal and comic. It is a rather lofty pen name for someone who writes mostly dribble.

My real name is Michael Charles.

I have a spouse whom I refer to as “Someone”. This is a reference/homage/rip-off to one of my favorite authors, the late Alice Thomas Ellis. In her ‘Home Life’ series she referred to her spouse as Someone.

I write about my daily doings and what is on my mind. My blog is my way of scratching an itch to write.  I suppose I’m not very good, I enjoy it so. I regularly evoke The Muses or somebody like them (The Norns; The Fates; The Furies; The Skanks) to help me.

‘Spo-reflections’ is managed by The Board of Directors Here at Spo-reflections. They are a boisterous bunch of busy-body Viking-types. They keep me on my toes and ascertain I am not writing anything political, dirty, or using dangling participles.

Writing is my hobby; my profession is medicine. I am a psychiatrist, trained in the Jungian school of psychology. I sometimes write about Jungian concepts and sometimes I write about the life of a physician.

Categories you will see here:

Randoms Thoughts

Walking the dog

Notes from the Office

World of mine Wednesday’s Ws. 

Curious Things about the House

Spo-Reflections on (insert topic here)

I am open to new ideas and growth of the Self – but I would like a cup of tea, please.

I meet many bright and friendly souls along the way. I thank you for dropping by; it is an honor for me. Please leave a comment if you like something – and to tell me who you are. I like it when folks say hi.

I hope our time together is something marvelous.