I didn’t get to watch last night’s presidential debacle debate because The Board of Directors Here at Spo-reflections dropped by unannounced Spanish Inquisition style to discuss their own state of the union.  Normally I hear (and smell) them coming and bar the door, but I had my guard down – ironically because I was engrossed reading a vague but menacing email from The APA Secret Police.*   Oh the pain. They wrapped me up in a wet blanket and carried me off to Heorot Johnsons III for an hour of reprimand. Why am I slacking? Why am failing to meet my contractual obligation to write often and write funny?  Ratings are down they complained, and comments are lean. Blogger-buddies are missing in action. If I don’t shape up pronto, they are considering ‘encore’ postings (viz. reruns) or hiring SassyBear (or someone like him) to take over. Shape up or there will be Helle to pay.  My explanation of being up to my oxters with work fell on deaf ears. At the end of their Teutonic tirade they showed me some freshly-pointed sticks usually used for spitting joints of meat. They also showed me some Donny and Marie CDs. I promised to shape up and they brought me back to La Casa de Spo, with no loss of digits.

This weekend I will go to the office. It will be empty and without distraction. I can put the kettle on and some soft music (not Donny and Marie) and spend a few hours getting things done. It’s a lousy way to spend a Saturday but there it is. The payoff is I will be caught up – temporarily – enough to finally have time to blogs and scribble out proper entries (no rubbish types like this one). TBDHSR will be appeased – temporarily – no pointed sticks will be necessary, neither will CDs from the 70s.

*This morning they sent this email:

‘We conduct a monthly audit to identify medical prescribers who fail to request a patient utilization report before prescribing certain medications and communicate non-compliance to the appropriate licensing boards for further investigation.’

This must have elicited quite the orchestra of scorched cats for this evening they wrote another: 

‘We apologize for any concern this particular announcement may have caused you. This is strictly for information purposely only and does not indicate you are non-compliant with statute requirements.’