I wish I had something to write that is witty or profound or newsworthy. Alas, I do not.  I live a dull life, as Uncle would say. We had a nice time at the “Nose” opera; I spent the afternoon dictating charts. For dinner, we ate at the local sushi diner. Then we walked the dog looking for Hallowe’en decorations. We organized a grocery list for a Hallowe’en dinner. As you can see, this sort of gay-lifestyle reprobate living is near-guaranteed to destroy marriages and bring the nation down. Around us I don’t hear any houses falling down so far. I suppose I must try harder tomorrow.

Seeing the orange lights around the neighborhood and reading the recipes for Thursday cheered me up. It gets harder with each passing year to squeeze some more magic out of the tetrad holiday of Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve.* The part of me which thinks ‘Why bother” grows stronger every year. Since we are trying to watch our diets, the Hallowe’en candy, the Thanksgiving feast, and the avalanche of Christmas cookies coming out of kitchen would not be missed this year if it was all canceled.

Tomorrow we go get the Hallowe’en candy and pick out our pumpkins, which I hope stirs up some happy hallowe’en holiday spirit.

Speaking of spirits,  here is one of my favorite childhood Hallowe’en stories. a six minute long bed time story of Georgie the Ghost.

* Department stores manage to combine the holiday tetrad into a monad, demonstrated by the pumpkins next to the turkeys, which are next to santa clauses on every self.