Spo-fans should take note this entry is merely reflective and not a sign of depression or self-pity or an endorsement of Trump.

Video SnapshotLast night while doing the dishes I realized I have no friends. What I mean by this is I have no traditional flesh-in-blood living close-by types of friends, the sort I could call to go out for drinks or dinner. It was a depressing revelation. Data supports a nearby network of buddies may be just as important for health and well-being as wholesome food and air.* For men over fifty years old a social group of chums is especially vital.

It’s my own fault course. Friendships just don’t happen; they have to be nurtured like a rare exotic. The layout of Phoenix is such one has to drive at everywhere go anywhere and there are no great meeting spots downtown. There is no ‘gayborhood’ either. Bars have their deficits. Besides, the boys in the bars are no longer talking to each other but are engrossed in their cellphones. My work makes for long hours. Between work and gym time (more time consumed by driving) there is little left for anything else let alone socializing.

I haven’t had luck in making lasting local friends. There were some potential friends, a couple we liked, but as they live 30 miles. Joining clubs and social apps haven’t produced either.

As I write this out I realize while I say I would like friends, I am not willing to divert the necessary time and energy I away from what I do now. I am merely saddened how difficult it is has become to merely do the basics, such as properly prepared meals, reading a book, or ‘down time of doing nothing’.

I am happy with my on-line blogger buddies and friends living afar. It seems enough. In a few weeks The Best Friend comes to visit; I have not seen him in years. We will sit by poolside and talk and be. I am looking forward to this.


*I don’t know of any data the supports long distance or ‘internet’ friends like blogging or Facebook ‘count’ or make good enough substitute.  It is a fascinating hypothesis. My intuition tells me these types are good but not sufficient.