Linda (the dear!) inspired this one when she suggested I use an emery board to soften a jagged edge of my person. I replied I have never used an emery board, even admitting I am not certain what exactly they are for.* Growing up with four brothers deprives one of some of the finer things of life, like good personal hygiene. Anyway, it made me reflect upon what else I have never done. Here’s a few….. Spo

TBDHSR on one of their door-to-door sales jobs

Set fire to public buildings. I mention this one a lot but truth be told I have never done so. Mind! It is awfully tempting. The Board of Directors Here at Spo-reflections does so on a regular basis and they tell me there is nothing like it. It seems a sensible solution under certain situations. I will keep you posted if and when I snap a tether and check this one off The Bucket List, the dark one I keep underneath the proper one that starts with “See Iceland” and that sort of stuff. Anyone set fire to public building? Do tell all in the comments.

Mind! A bite of moose can be nasty.

Eaten moose meat. I remember finding a menu in my grandfather’s study of a restaurant in Minnesota (?) that served exotic meats. It read like the roster in a zoo. At ten years old I wondered where on earth do they get moose meat, and it didn’t sound right nor did it sound appetizing. Brother #4 is a hunter, and he lauds venison, which he deems the food of the gods, or at least the demi-gods. I know enough biology (and parasitology) that I won’t touch the stuff despite his assurance it is OK. If I happen to be somewhere where moose meat is offered (Minnesota or otherwise) I may take a bite to say that I have done so. Anyone have moose meat?

Earrings. My late-mother did not have pierced ears; all her earrings were clip-ons. I could have tried some on but never thought to do so. The pincer-like clasps on these suckers looked quite painful, so I never tried some on. I’ve never had any desire to have my ears (or anything) pierced. My earlobes are quite rutilant; I daresay if pierced I would bleed to death. Do you wear earrings – are they clip-ons? Do you have chonga-girl ones?

Where’s the hot sauce?

Made coq au vin. This has been on my bucket list for many years. At one point I concluded the notion French cooking was ‘the best’ and coq au vin was the best of the best. The proper recipe looks quite complicated. Now, I am not certain of either belief, and I doubt it worthwhile to try making any. No one makes French cuisine anymore (other than the French perhaps) for tastes have changed away from savory to spicy. It seems a hassle to spend so much time preparing a dish that will be ate in only a few bites. Better change this one to ordering such in a restaurant if ever I should find it. I can’t remember ever seeing it on any menu, it is rarer than moose meat. This may be due to the eateries I attend. Coq au vin isn’t likely found on the menus of Asian-based eats. Have you ever made/ate coq au vin?

Punched a person in the puss. I write ‘person’ for the sentence structure but I mean a man. I would never punch a woman. I don’t think I would ever punch a man either. First of all I don’t know how, not ever been trained how to do so. Second, after I pull the first punch my dance partner would probably punch me back, with more efficacy and frequency. I shouldn’t regret this missing element of life. When I see it happen in the movies or in real life both the puncher and the punchee never seem happy for the past time. Have you ever thrown a punch?

Cannabis leads to cards and social dancing.

Smoked dope. I grew up as a good boy; doing drugs was drilled into me as bad. Marijuana (was it was then called, to disparage its malevolent Mexican origins) made one go mad and vote Democrat and other evils. Indirectly, MJ was conveyed as ‘low-class’, something ‘our sort of people’ don’t do, like bowling. Interesting that over the decades I’ve been able to discard all the clap-trap yet can’t let go of the notion smoking dope is something undignified. Mind! I know a lot of folks who do smoke dope, and I don’t consider them low-class. The irony is now I cannot smoke as to do so would put my medical license at risk. Cocktails are OK, but not cannabis? Have you ever smoked dope and gone bezerk in a drug-induced delirium, setting fires to public buildings and got the munchies for unnatural things like moose meat or coq au vin?

Been to Mississippi/Alabama. I am nearly done with the American goal of ‘been to all fifty states’; I have only three left.** Alabama and Mississippi I could do in one trip. Problem is, I don’t know what there is to see. My perceptions of the places are not positive: high humidity, venomous snakes, and zany racist politics. I am certain both states have tourist websites for me to go have a look-see and find sites of interest. MS has the advantage I know someone there I can visit (hey, that’s you Linda!) They have Piggly-Wiggly stores and I have a real PW bag! Do they sell moose meat or reefer I wonder? Have you ever been to Alabama or Mississippi or the Piggly-Wiggly?

*I looked it up afterwards.

**The third one is Vermont of all places. I hear they have lovely cheeses.