You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 10, 2024.

My appointment yesterday with The Good Doctor went OK; the labs were good other than the ongoing slightly elevated glucose just bordering on ‘pre-diabetes” but it has been hovering there for many years. TGD thinks it is a good idea to add something for this and I think it is good idea not to. I asked to see a urologist now before I really need one. Father had prostate cancer, my paternal cousin (who is my age) has prostate cancer, and my late mother’s brother has it too. I believe it is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ I get mine, so might as well establish a rapport with a urologist now. The best time to dig the well is before you are thirsty. So I asked him for a referral and I don’t want no quack.

Tonight is the last concert of the season. It is also the last performance of Mr. Tito, the conductor. He’s been onboard for ten years. He’s conducting Mahler #2, one of my favorites. Herr Mahler and I are soulmates, born on the same day a hundred years apart. Each year when the symphony announces the season I look to see if there is any Mahler. I am often disappointed. But that’s not the case tonight.

The quarterly report of the 401K came out this week so I had a look-see. When the amount is added to the ML money and what’s in the checking account this comes to a milestone never before achieved. It gives a nice sense of accomplishment. I hope by the time I retire it will have grown to the next milestone. I am one of thems highly suspicious Social Security will go bankrupt and won’t be there for me when I want it, so I don’t count it in the retirement plans. As far as I can tell this is lost money; if I am wrong than hey that’s extra.

Spo-fans may recall last year I did a walking program in which I didn’t do so well. Another round is offered starting this August. I have mixed feelings about trying this again. I would like to be able to improve viz. not coming in dead last. I am not sure if this is possible or how this can happen but maybe it is worth trying.

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May 2024

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