You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 12, 2024.

Thanks to the nasal sprays and the little red pills the May allergies aren’t too active. The one exception: my eyes, which look like cherry tomatoes and they itch. It could be worse. Most of the mesquite trees are now past their pollen prime so it is just a matter of time when the allergies get discouraged and lave me – just in time for the summer heat. At least there will be solar tea.  

Speaking of tea, it’s been slowly pushed off the stage by coffee as my morning cup. This week I vow no coffee but back to lovely tea. Maybe I will sleep better and the innards won’t be so rumbly. I will find out by week’s end. 

Yesterday I did something I have never done before: I made a Spo-shirt from start to finish in one step.  Normally they are put together in small spurts: I do some, get tired or frustrated, put it down, and come back to it another day. It took all day. By the time is was finished I was wiped out and my back was aching.  I wasn’t focused too well either, probably from staring at needle heads. It must be a taste of what sweat shop workers experience day after day. It reminded me sewing is a hobby, not a job, so I won’t do this again.  On the positive I got the shirt done in time for a deadline and it turned out well.

Today Someone and I go to some sort of opera-related soiree this afternoon. He’s told me a half dozen times what it entails but I still can’t remember what it is about. I hope it is not a fundraiser. We just shelled out mega-money paying off the bills (which included my license renewal) and I am not in a giving mood, especially since they cut back the season. Whether it’s funny or not I might tell on Wednesday Ws.

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May 2024

Spo-Reflections 2006-2018