You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 31, 2024.

Note: this one is an impromptu vent-job; it was written to get things off my chest. It is not to be taken too seriously, as it is influenced by a general lack of sleep and a failure to get a ‘saving throw’ against a flock of stirges. Spo

It’s been ages since I posted or at least it feels like it. I’ve lost a sense of time this week. This is partially due to the Memorial Day weekend making the work-week start on a Tuesday but it is mostly from fatigue. It’s been one of those weeks. When they occur I only do the necessary matters and the rest of the time I am in bed and sometimes quite early. This week I’ve forgone things I like doing or ‘ought’ to do; as my brain says just go to work and do the job and the rest of the time, sleep. I am heeding it. In some ways I have no choice.

It isn’t work itself that has tired me out but life in general. Sometimes I find the bad actions and stupid beliefs of my fellow man just too much and in response I crawl in a hole to avoid the toxicity. It is tiresome seeing people again and again saying and doing awful things and getting their way for it. They always seem to win; there is no so-called karma to slap them silly. It upsets my inner child who wants good behavior rewarded and bad behavior (and people) punished. I shouldn’t be shocked by this but once in awhile I feel hope this time it will be different and it isn’t.

Another element of my doldrum moods is the self-inflicted decision to go for the ‘trophy’ in language lessons. To win I have to stay in the top ten by Sunday night. This has required doing lessons whenever there’s a free moment – not so much to learn a language but to keep in the top tier. It is rawther exhausting. At least this ends on Sunday night. The general nastiness of my fellow man: that continues.

Last night we went to see a play in which the main character was a bully, pushing and threatening until he got his way. I walked out at intermission as it was too much like life. It is one thing to put up with this in life but sitting watching such as entertainment makes no sense.

There is the usual humdrum but necessary weekend endeavors. Sometimes I enjoy them but this weekend not so. It’s about 9PM and I am going to bed. I don’t sleep well these days as my sleep is full of bad dreams but it beats staying up. I am too tired to do so anyway.

Rant over; thank you for reading.

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May 2024

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