La Casa de Spo doesn’t look so good at the moment. Someone is putting together the new entertainment system, connecting it to the relatively ‘ancient” speakers throughout the house. He’s a clever one and he is making progress, but it is a slow process. The living room floor looks like Christmas morning after the children have unwrapped their prizes. There are boxes and electronic items strewn everywhere. Not too far away is a rawther large pile of ironing – nearly all of it Someone’s. In his defense he has bigger projects to manage than ironing. I’ve calculated if he should actually do it, there are not enough hangers for all the shirts. I thought of getting more hangers, but he thinks to get rid of the shirts. I am half-tempted to do it for him, but I would probably donate a shirt he hasn’t worn in years only to have him suddenly want it and inquire to its whereabouts. Oh the embarrassment.

Harper is in her old age is having accidents. Every time we come home we hold an inspection if she’s had any. There was talk of hiring a professional carpet cleaner but as this problem isn’t likely to stop, we will clean up as they happen. Someone does a better job at this, but he is easily triggered to retching so I am Stain Master and Effluvia Master as well.

Last weekend I started making lists of what needs doing about the place, a note for each room. I stopped after three rooms as it was already a long list and rawther discouraging. The roofers (or someone like them) bringing over the dumpster today. Someone is at home this morning to instruct where to put it. “One war at a time!” said Abraham Lincoln, so the roof and stereo system take precedent. The terribly threadbare kitchen chairs will have to wait yet another day.

Soon starts the weekend and that means dusting and delayed daily doings like the dishes. Would that I was Merlin who waved a wand and said ‘tidy up’ and the pots and pans did so on their own. Alas, Babylon! At home not only am I Stain Master and Effluvia Master but I am also Dish Master and Dust Master too. Then again what are weekends for other than fighting filth?