I am going to watch Doctor Who.

I have been avoiding this, for it is rather intimidating to walk into Act III of a complicated opera and try to figure out what the hell is going on. And this opera goes back to the 1960s! Another element of my resistance arises from a terrible intuition I will be ‘hooked’ and have yet another time consuming activity.

And this one has the potential to be quite time consuming. But all the DW fans** assure me it is a splendid show and I won’t be disappointed.




Doctor Who certainly has attributes I enjoy:

Science Fiction

British TV

The Jungian concept of metamorphsis and transformation

Bow ties.



The Acolytes tell I should start with ‘2005’ and go from there. I suspect in no time at all I will wonder why on earth didn’t start years ago. Then it will be my turn to recruit for the cult and purchase my own set of TARDIS Christmas ornaments.


** “Fans” sounds too quaint of a word to describe Dr. Who followers. “Fanatics” is more apt.