You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 2, 2011.

I woke this morning hoping to roll over and find Someone for a discussion of sorts. Instead I found Harper who was doing her morning toilette. Why do dogs lick their privates? I suppose the answer is because they can.  It is 630AM and Someone was already back at the television. At Christmas he gave me a blue-ray DVD; it receives wireless Netflix movies. He’s been at it all weekend. He is watching a rather macabre series called “Arrested Development” which reminds me too much of work.

It is a quiet weekend for me. I started the new year doing a lot of home tasks.  The depraved gay lifestyle I lead consisted of the following:

Paperwork. walk the dog. Work on some shirts. Make Fetish Bear gingerbread cookies for the office [photo above]. exercise with the personal trainer. gab with The Best Friend. Tidy up my blogroll (I hope I didn’t forget anyone!). go to church. see a movie (The King’s Speech, which was marvelous). Call my parents. update the ipod. get a haircut. make the new year resolutions.

It has been a quiet and cozy time, lubricated by a lot of Barry’s Tea (with a spot of milk). Last night we made a New Year’s Day dinner of black eyed peas (a ‘must’ for New Year’s Day) with a roast capon. We will make soup from the leftovers. I look forward to the soup more than the original dinner.

So I don’t have anything too profound or exciting to report. 2011 has started quietly and serene,  There is nothing on the agenda (yet) between now and mid-February when we have our annual winter holiday. Tune in for more. Perhaps there will be something more exciting than Harper’s cleaning her unmentionables.

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January 2011

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