You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 29, 2011.

It was another bitch of a week at work. I think I worked most nights doing paperwork and telephone calls etc. As is the wont,  I brought home a caseload of “ homework” which I will nibble away all weekend long. No fun in that.  As a consequence, I haven’t had any time to read blogs. Would you believe it that I actually worry at times about it?  My “real life” friends don’t fret or draw conclusions when I don’t call for days; they know I am busy. So I shouldn’t fret blogger buddies feel any different.

It isn’t all work and no play this weekend. Tonight we have a treat –  we go to the theater. Someone and I don’t have too many mutual interests, but going to the theater is one we both enjoy. We like plays, musicals –  and thanks to my influence, operas. This evening’s show is a community theater production. It is a comedy and it sounds quite outrageous. It probably won’t have a serious moment in it, so it sounds like jolly good fun.  We will meet a  few chums beforehand for dinner. A couple of glasses of wine help loosen my hummingbird mind just enough so I can laugh along with the others.  Otherwise, I tend to sit and think about what I should be doing, compose grocery lists, or worse ruminate on “ what am I to do with patient X?”.

I better take a nap this afternoon, otherwise I will have the dreaded “As soon as I get to my seat I asleep” phenomena. With rare exception, I always nod off in a show. The most outrageous overproduced spectacle could be on stage and I still doze.

So that’s about all the news for this Saturday: nothing profound and nor witty. Even the Muses seem to be busy with their paperwork – we both just got our tax information from our employers. The Muses tend to file early.

Unlike the Furies,  who wait until the last minute and cause a fuss.

I promise promise promise to ‘drop by’ this weekend.

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January 2011

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