Happy Thanksgiving!

Spo-fans know I am home alone today. I am having a splendid time thank you. I am Introvert: nothing charges my batteries more than being withdrawn into the inner compartments of my mind.  I’ve had a some lovely phone calls and Facetime encounters with friends and family.

I cleaned up my blog roster today. It saddens me to delete the ones inactive. As is often the case, the writers just stopped writing without any explanation or closure.You get to know someone then they disappear. . It always makes me feel like I’ve been ghosted.  On the positive, I am pleased as punch to add new reads and blogger buddies to the list.  I hope I haven’t forgotten anybody. I am certain to realize my mistakes in a few days. 

Today I am making a sort of thanksgiving dinner from a recipe given to me by one of the blogger buddies. I can not remember who gave it to me.  I feel bad about this as I won’t be able to give her (I thinks it’s a she) feedback and gratitude. The dish is potatoes, turkey, and bacon in chicken gravy.  This being Southwest I put in a tin of green chiles.  Nothing tastes good anymore without some heat. 


Someone comes home from work about seven. He made some ‘sides’ for his at-work potluck. If there are any left he will bring them home and we will have them with our crock pot turkey. One of these dishes certain to return is ambrosia salad, something I had never heard of until I met him. He states this dish is a ‘southern thing’, a delicacy made for the holidays.  Ambrosia salad is more or less chopped fruit in a creamy binder. It is what’s for dessert here today at Das SpohausApparently Someone’s recipe (which is his mother’s) is the proper no-rubbish Ambrosia salad and do not question this. I went on line to research the recipe. Talk about falling down a rabbit hole! Not only are there countless variations everyone is quite dogmatic theirs is the best and except no substitutes. All of them sound slightly sickly but I am a mere Northerner and don’t know any better.

My Thanksgiving tradition isn’t gloppy fruit cocktail in coconut; my ‘small chocolate cone’ is cheese – Edam cheese to be precise.  This week I bought me a small block of the stuff to have with tonight’s special scotch. Cheese and whiskey! I am quite thankful. 
