My colonoscopy went well: there were no polyps nor wee beasties nor squatters so it is good-bye for five years. Friday afternoon I see The Good Dentist for my crown. I am getting it at both ends as it were. I forgot this upcoming weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. I must ask Someone if he is working. He usually does, downtown at the Comiccon or whatever it is called these days. I’ve never gone to it. He describes it as quite colorful and full up with folks in costume, many of them haven’t been out of their parents basements since the last convention. But I digress. The point here he works all weekend and I will be home alone. I use the time to cook, a combination of traditional (for me) Memorial Day foods and a few new recipes.  

I will make a big bowl of macaroni salad, which is made once a year and eaten with relish. I’ve figured out the ‘best’ so it’s very good.  I enjoy ribs so this will be made as well. The grill doesn’t work (worse luck) so all my cooking is in the oven. I will make the first batch of ‘Windex’ the official summer cocktail, which I put is a cerulean glass bottle for easy access. 

As for new dishes I have lots of proposals. Given all that macaroni I probably will postpone any pasta possibilities.  There is some logic to make a few things I would like but Someone wouldn’t. Eggplant parmesan comes to mind. I love it so yet I am often disappointed in what I get in restaurants. I have a few recipes that assure me I will have a proper one, crisp and not soggy, nor drowned in sauce. It looks like a lot of work. Perhaps I will ‘practice” at something like making oven fries or onion rings – I’m certain the first tries won’t be so good. 

Maybe I won’t cook much at all. We have some meal kits to use and it seems silly to shop for ingredients when these are there are already paid for. They have the advantage Someone can eat his serving when he gets home.  Yes this sounds more practical (and less caloric) although I will make that macaroni salad.  After all it is Memorial Day.