2. Can we make your favorite meal together, or do you have a recipe you can share?

I hope everyone had in their youth something their parents cooked that evokes warm memories to make. These dishes need not be anything special. Indeed! Comfort foods from childhood are often simple things. The recipes I inherited from the matriarchs of the family aren’t especially fancy; they are hardly gourmet. When you are a child this is ‘how mother made it’ and that is what counts.*

Over the years of blogging I have written out several Spo-recipes; here are a few of them:

Gingerbread cookies

Hamburger Soup

S cookies

Pumpkin dip

I did not grow up eating haute cuisine, rather I was fed Midwestern faire. Food was fuel more than an experience; fancy cooking and spices were not made nor wanted. It was a disappointment. I often tried to coax Mother to try new and exotic dishes but she never did. Now I cook just that – most of the time. From time to time I get out Auntie’s recipe for hamburger hot dish and I make it and eat it with relish and happy memories.

Tell me about a family dish you grew up with remembered with fondness.

*Someone told me a tale from his youth about a church picnic when several church ladies brought their own ambrosia salad, all with slight variations from their families’ recipes. This resulted in a less-than-Christian-charitable fracas over which one was best. It fell to the minister to decide. Apparently he didn’t know the tale of The Judgment of Paris and the dimwit choose one as most delicious. The church was never the same afterwards.