You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 26, 2024.

As is the wont on Memorial Day weekend, Someone is working at the Comic-con convention.* I am home alone x 3 days, which is my wont. While he’s away my life is full up with hedonistic past times involving large amounts of alcohol, mind-altering drugs, and handsome people well over four feet to share them with – at least in theory. What is actually happening is I am channeling my inner-Agatha Morely and tackling the dust problem. There is no lack of it and it certainly doesn’t lack for variety. Yesterday I got out the ladder and got up into the ceilings to change the AC filters which in theory are done every two months. The gray fuzzy things I extracted had “October 14” written on them in magic marker. Oh the embarrassment. I wrote May 25 on the white clean new ones and set a reminder in the phone for two months. I found the black plastic extension tube for the hoover and reached under the bed, extracting what looks like a tribe of tribbles minus their charms. 

The outside needs attendance as well. The Pool Man, who is a man of  few works, texted the other day, so you know something is important. It said “water in hot tub needs changing.  I can only imagine the morass.  I don’t use it in the summer months, so I will drain the swamp and not refill it.  The pool is nice so I go in it from time to time to refresh myself and remove dust and dog hair. 

It hasn’t been all fun and fur-balls. I made my macaroni salad which I eat with relish at every meal. I’ve been to the gym a few times and I went on a couple of 2-3 mile walks.  I’ve had naps and read some books. I am almost done with two of them, which is exciting to imagine what come next. “Summer reading” is in store, something light, not too difficult, and easy to get through – like my men. 

Today I may just ‘do nothing’ which is nice concept, although most of the time when that happens I do not experience bliss so much as an awkward silence wondering whether or not I truly have free time or I have just forgotten something.  🙂 

*Someone has told me several times it is not officially called Comic-con but I never remember what that is. It sounds like Comic-con viz. people show up in costume and generally make a nuisance of themselves in public areas. 

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