4 Things I need to spend more time on in my life:
1. Someone
2. Not working
3. Stretching
4. Sleeping

4 Things I need to spend less time on in my life:
1. Worrying
2. Dwelling on my deficits
3. Paperwork
4. Reviewing things to see if they are still there/right/OK

4 Things I wish I could spend more time on in my life:
1. Kept blank lest my relatives are reading this
2. Cooking
3. Traveling
4. Reading

4 Things I love about myself:
1. My writing skills
2. My keen intuition
3. My chest
4. My zest for the Arts

4 Things I hate about myself:
1. My stomach
2. My thin ankles and wrists
3. My shoulder shrugs/verbal grunts and blurs AKA Tourette’s
4.  My tendency to be ‘Midwest” viz. assume guilt and/or appease

4 Things I love that I used to hate:
1. Tomatoes
2. Martinis
3. Dressing up
4.  Whiskers

4 Things I hate that I used to love:
1. “A Clockwork Orange” (the movie, not the book)
2. Television
3. Airplane take offs
4. Sugar

4 Things towards which I look forward:
1. Road trips
2. Hallowe’en
3. Live from the Met HD operas
4. “The four annual vacations” –  Key West, Flagstaff, Omro, and Canada

4 Things I dread:
1. Certified Mail
2. Licensing renewal forms
3. Facing angry people
4. Pages from the answering service

4 Things I once believed in but no longer do:
1. The GOP
2. Being good brings just rewards
3. The punishment of Heaven
4.  Insurance

4 Things I now believe that I didn’t use to believe:
1. Synchronicity
2. The Collective Unconscious
3. The Communion of Saints
4. We are what we eat

4 Things I love to do despite being bad at it :
1. Play the piano
2. Cook full course dinners
3. Cryptic Crosswords
4. Stay out late

4 Things I hate to do but I do anyway (and rather well) :
1. Being cross
2. Dwell on injustices
3. Squat exercise
4.  Get in touch with my inner Hannibal Lector

4 Things I did of which I am ashamed:
1. In my youth I hurt the one boy who was worse off than I was
2. I did not see the signs of a patient who killed himself soon after seeing me
3. Led on relationships I would not cleanly end
4. Acting a jerk in my internship

4 Things I did for which I am proud:
1. Become board certified in my profession.
2. Learned how to sew a shirt, without instructions or guidance from anyone.
3. Came out
4. Learned how to forgive

4 Things I didn’t do that I regret:
1. Move to the Northwest when I was a youth
2. Taking a ‘real job’ right after residency
3. Stand up for myself in my internship
4. Continue with the French Horn

4 Things I want before I die:
1. A flat stomach
2. Retirement
3. See my nephews and nieces marry
4.  Cook all the recipes I’ve collected over the years.