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Sean (the dear!) has a seven something meme he does on Sunday. I like a good meme so why not – and place it on a Friday instead

Something I thought about: Who is going to take care of me when I am 87. Father lives with Brother #3 and has regular night aides in to help then. The other brothers take turn taking care of his needs, which aren’t much but they require our help he can’t do anything on his own. I won’t have such resource. I hope to go suddenly so I don’t dissolve away as father has.

Something I saw: Cranes. There are cranes in this part of the woods. They are lovely although a bit unsettling to see as I wasn’t expecting such lovelies.

Something I heard: Dogs. Frequently. It’s pretty quiet here other than Father’s nonstop classical music in the background. Then, out of nowhere, the two dogs let out a howl suggesting the house is under attack. They cannot be let out fast enough and they run like the wind to whatever is out there I never see what it is. Happily they come back and there is no sign of ructions otherwise.

Something I tasted: Win Schuler’s bar cheese. Back when I was in college my relations would come into town, see the game, and take me out to Win Schuler’s restaurant. It’s gone now but its bar cheese lives on in plastic tubs bought at Meijer Shifty Takers. It’s the same thing really a bright orange unique to itself. Tasting it again I feel like I am back in school.

Something I learned: My phone has Siri. Father frequently calls out to Siri to tell him the time or what is the weather or to play something. If I am nearby his voice evokes my phone to speak up and answer his question. This surprises me as I didn’t know my phone did such a thing. It was a bit unsettling. Interesting the iPhone answers him with the time, he doesn’t like it, and then asks Echo the exact same question ‘what time is it” which Echo says which is same time as a second ago.

Something I accomplished: Managing the menagerie. Dogs; cats; birds; chickens – all need feeding and tending to. The dogs require attention; the cats require tins of meat at 6AM or there is no peace. In between I take dad to the chair, the table, the loo, and the bed.

Something I created: an omelette. I have never made an omelette before. Really, it’s true. I’ve always been intimidated to try as I thought they were difficult to make. I have plenty of eggs here to practice with. I reviewed ‘how to do it’ videos and made one and viola! It came out well. It was almost a disappointment to get it right the first time.

Jenn (the dear!) recently did this list. It was fun reading. I took it from her to try it. I am grateful as I was about to write a lugubrious post on the state of the union and her meme saved the day. Spo.

The best advice I was ever given: Mother said never to return rudeness with rudeness. I think this the best social advice given to me. It’s no fun and very difficult to do but in the end it is Not Stooping or Shaming Them or Setting a Good Example. The best professional advice is a tie. One teacher told me to persevere even when I think I am doing nothing for the patient; my willingness to be on their Journey is far more helpful than I imagine. The other is never remove Hope. Even in a terminal case one can hope to make the end a comfortable and meaningful one. Maybe these are one in in the same. “You’re hopeless, I quit!” – not allowed.

The hobby I could never give up is: writing. It grabs me like a passion. I don’t feel I want to write but I have to write. Every time I think I cannot go on I have no more to say something comes up and I keep going. It makes me very happy people read what I write.

My biggest role model: I don’t have a single person per se but a collection of people (dead, alive, and some of them mythical) whom I call upon to when I need courage and guidance to persevere. I should write about them sometime. They put The Board of Directors Here at Spo-reflections to shame.

One of my favorite books is: ‘Creation’ by Gore Vidal. I reread it every few years. It is a well made novel combining history, religion, and society all set in ancient Greece. It’s also quite funny in a Gore Vidal droll bitchy way.

I would love to learn how to: knit, if just to say I know how. Goodness knows what I would knit. I live in a climate that doesn’t need sweaters or mittens or the like. If I knew how to knit I would eventually figure out what to knit.

If I won the lottery I would instantly: Give it away. I’ve heard so many horror stories of lives ruined by sudden money. I suspect I would be sued all of a sudden for every little fiddle-faddle. I would give the money to my niblings on the promise when I am old and alone somebody could look in one me.

If I could have any superpower it would be: This vacillates between being able to instantly transport myself anywhere ala Endora and the ability to heal at a touch. I guess I go with the latter.

I first traveled solo: If memory serves me right I was ten. Brother #2 and I flew west to visit the cousins. I remember we were ‘babysat’ by a stewardess as they were called then. It was back when anyone could go directly to the gate, so we were greeted right away by our relations.

My proudest moment as a parent was: opps, Jenn, sorry about this one. I was never nor will I be a parent. I think I would have been a good one, particularly about listening to children and sharing with them reading and art and imagination. I sublimated my parental energies into helping others in their lives. None of them will care for me in my turn of course, but I can end knowing my life was done helping others and perhaps the world was a better place for my being here.

The Board of Directors Here at Spo-reflections suggested I quit with the dolorous entries or they will hang me from the rafters of Heorot Johnson II until I cheer up. How thoughtful of them to care.

Sean (the dear!) made a meme that looks fun so I am going to see what I can do with it. He hasn’t told me what his reasonable attorney’s fees are for filching his meme. I hope it isn’t too much. We were skunked with taxes this year. Oh the pain. Let’s see if I can amuse the Spo-fans and fulfil The Contractual Obligation at the same time. Spo

Something I accomplished: Getting through Wednesday. My batting average for getting through Wednesday is 1.000 and that’s pretty good for over 3,000 times at bat. Why I wonder how the hell am I going to get through this one is a bit annoying. This week’s Wednesday was waist deep in woes and wackiness but I plowed through them and came out with a sense of accomplishment. It still puzzles me how I manage to get through most days having kept my marbles and vital possessions like wallet, cellphone, and trousers.

Something I bought: Tajin seasoning. This is my new favorite condiment and I add it to almost everything nowadays to give things a zip. It has dried chilis, lime, salt, and some high-grade narcotic to keep me wanting more.*

Something I heard: Coyotes – or something like them. Sometimes in the night there is a sudden sonorous sound of howling in the distance and something it doesn’t sound too distant. Often this is in chorus with one howler setting off more to make a chorus of canines – or so I think. Rationalists in the house believe these are coyotes or dogs but cryptids are not out of the question.

Something I learned: The Overlords have Overlords of their own. The Overlords sent an email announcing in cheerful careful sentences their corporation has been sold to a larger one. My tongue-in-cheek literary reference to call the new bosses The Overlords was prophetic as above them in “Childhood’s End” is something called The Overmind. Lord only know what The Overmind has in store. I have no experience being low man on the totem pole in a multi-layered juggernaut of a corporation whose manifest mission is mental health care but is really profit for the stockholders. When is retirement again?

Something I saw: Dust bunnies the size of Buicks. That ain’t good. Time to get out the dry mop and lemon spray for a good run around the floors this weekend.

Something I tasted: Tartar sauce. Someone loathes mayonnaise; even talking about the condiment makes him queasy. We refer to it (when at all) as “the M”. However he hasn’t banned it from the house. I keep a small jar in the back of the refrigerator, hidden discreetly behind some jam jars. The other night he wasn’t home for dinner so I made an improvised pan sheet spread of whatever needed a food push. This included eight fish sticks left over from Lent. I made me some tartar sauce which I ate with relish – literally. I was careful to rinse off the plate and cutlery lest Someone come home late at night and see the horror and let out a howl to wake the dead or in this case Urs Truly and there would be ructions.

Something I thought about: Coffee. Quick! Is there a Brazilian in the house? I hear a podcast on coffee the other day and it said the biggest exporter of coffee is Brazil. I didn’t even know Brazil grew any. Mind! If you asked me where is coffee grown I would have stumbled with no quick answer. I know of Columbia for it is all over the labels at the grocery store. They must grow coffee in France as that too in on the labels. When I was in Hawaii they were proud of their locally-grown bean called Kona, which is the Hawaiian word for ‘really expensive”. Father likes Hazelnut Dunkin Donuts coffee and Brother #4 drinks cheap strong stuff. He points to his metal tins of generic store band and says he bought these for only five dollars, which sounds free trade to him. When I drink the devil’s brew, I drink Spring-Heeled Jack coffee which is brewed in the dark heart of Ohio and yes it’s on the label. Please don’t write in.

*Or so it seems. The label boasts no artificial flavors or colors and it is gluten free and kind to trees and dolphin safe etc.

I haven’t done a ‘meme’ in a while. This morning over breakfast Someone was reading ‘Vanity Fair’. I saw Lily Tomlin’s picture and asked about it. He explained the magazine has a meme that it regularly asks celebrities to fill out. He read me the questions and her answers. I thought this would be a jolly good fun entry for myself and Spo-fans to read and do. There are thirty-three questions, so I thought to break this into three parts of eleven. Enjoy. Spo.

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Being content in the moment at hand. Happily this is possible a lot of the time in various circumstances.

2. What is your greatest fear? The triumph of Ignorance over Reason in any scenario.

3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? To immediately go to “The Clown” in response to things.

4. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Certainty in something that is not true.

5. Which living person do you most admire? Malala Yousafzai.

6. What is your greatest extravagance? The general approach to buy what I want.

7. What is your current state of mind? This being Sunday of a three-day-long holiday my current state of mind is a perfectly happy one.

8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Constancy. Oftentimes this really is about stubbornness and invertebrate living.

9. On what occasion do you lie? Two come to mind:

#1: to spare needless pain in others.

#2: to avoid a truth that if revealed would serve no value.

10. What do you most dislike about your appearance? My abdomen. Were it were flatter.

11. Which living person do you most despise? At the present this is Putin.

Spo-fans as encouraged to give this a try; I would love to read your responses.

I recently watched “The Sentinel”. Ii is a horror movie I remember from my youth as quite scary. I wanted to see if it was still so. I put it on the list of movies to see at Halloween. This time I thought it cheesy, although the 70s attire was cute. I laughed at the ‘fully furnished newly decorated’ NYC apartment with its harvest gold appliances. It got me thinking about movies in general. The Muses (who like a good film) immediately pounced, saying go thou and write a meme. Here it is. Spo

A movie I will never watch: Arachnophobia. Even the title gets me going. You could not pay me enough to do so. End of discussion.

A movie that did not age well. Thoroughly Modern Millie. Once upon a time I thought it the most brilliant movie ever made for its acting, tunes, and choreography. Oh the pain.

A movie I never grow tired of seeing: Cabaret. Everything about this movie mesmerizes me: the acting, the tunes, the choreography. This one t, not Millie, has endured time.

A movie that still makes me laugh: Duck Soup. Whenever I am taking life, work, or myself too seriously, I watch a Marx Brothers movie. Duck Soup is their best. Run do not walk to see this masterpiece.

A movie ‘I don’t get’: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I lump this one into the common category of slasher movies something I don’t care to view. I have never liked ‘violence as entertainment’ and that goes for action shoot-them-up movies, with or without monsters.

A movie I want to see but never seem to get to: Wuthering Heights. This is the black and white version with Laurence Oliver in it. I want to see what they do with the book.

A movie I staunchly defend against all critics: Phantom of the Paradise. This movie hasn’t aged well, I admit it, but it had good points. The positives of the rock-n-roll world being taken over by cynical trash types more interested in sales and spectacle than talent. I think of this when I hear of today’s artists trying to make it up against the barons of the music industry and Spotify and Youtube and such.

A movie that is a must-see for Halloween/Christmas: The Haunting 1963; A Christmas Carol with Alistor Sims.

A movie you want everyone to see: Rashomon. This masterpiece of film is a must-see in my opinion even more than before. It is a story about a group of men passing time discussing a local crime where a bandit ambushed a couple in the woods. One man tells the tale as confessed by the bandit; one tells the police report of the woman; one (through a medium) tells the story from the killed man; and the last man we learn actually saw it – but his tale is suspect. Despite four witnesses there is a no conclusion what actually happened – and can we every know objective truth?

Spo-fans: please play along and list your movies in the meme. I would love to hear your responses. Perhaps I will get a few movie recommendations – and a few to avoid.

Robzilla (the dear!) provided me a marvelous meme for a Monday. It is titled ‘mood check’; it is based on some rings from The Lantern Corps. I don’t know who they are but The Board of Directors Here at Spo-reflections looked them up in ‘The Observers Book of Mythical Organizations’ and assures they are ‘legit’ no rubbish types.  Spo.

Rage: Rage is Anger combined with Impotence. I’m angry but I feel I cannot do anything about it. Think of King Lear, naked, howling in the rainstorm and the injustices done to him by his daughters. I feel great rage at Ignorance in all its malicious forms. Ignorance shouts louder than Truth and it seems to be winning. The approach to rage is not to succumb. The trick is to not focus on what you cannot do, but what you can do. This turns Rage into Action. ‘Do what you can’ I tell myself when feel rage.

Avarice: The intense emotion of wanting more than one has already rests upon a feeling of deprivation. Avarice is the shape our unneeds take when feeling desperate. Feeling gratitude helps assuage the howl of sharpened famine that emanates from emptiness. My material needs are OK at the moment, so I am not feeling avarice so much as frivolous. I would like a new car and a new chair for the office, but I can do with what I have.

Fear: There is lots to fear these days of course. My challenge is not to be fearless but to learn from my fears what they are trying to tell me. Courage is the act of doing, despite the fear. I am not a courageous fellow, but every time I face my fears and do the right thing I feel a Superman. 

Willpower: A word and concept I am forever telling my patients to give up. This nonspecific emotion constantly causes shame and guilt in thems who try to use ‘willpower’ and fail. When I admit to myself I don’t have any (and good riddance) I paradoxically better my chances to succeed by working with my frailties and knowing my shortcomings. Willpower is worth a blog entry some day.

Hope: I don’t have the type of hope that sees the future knee-deep in buttercups and daisies.  The Stoics’ definition of Hope is not that things work out OK but despite what happens we will get by somehow.

Compassion: I try to constantly keep conscious of this in order to do the right thing.  This must be done even with the most loathsome of folks and the least liked of patients. I have to find something, anything about them for which I can plug my compassion into them in order to have any hope of being of use to them. It isn’t easy and it must be done constantly.  If I cannot elicit any compassion I need to get the patient someone else.

Love: There are many types of love of course. A sort of Love is the type I have for my Spo-fans and Blogger-buddies.  You are dears, all of you. 

Patience above! This meme isn’t anything at all what I meant it to be as I copied and pasted the outline.  

My brothers and I regularly text each other, mostly about chit-chat and funny photos*. I’ve recently included these fine fellows (who are all well over four feet) into ‘The daily “Good Morning!” meme club’.

Bruce, a friend of mine who lives in California, every day texts me a “Good morning!” meme. He does not miss a day. They are made by the management at his condominium in Palm Springs and sent to the owners who want one. These are usually tasteful Palm Springs scenarios.  Bruce occasionally makes his own usually of tasteful Palm Springs of his condominium. Bruce sends the meme to others as well. I don’t know if all reciprocate to him, but I always do.  I nearly always send a “Good morning” meme back – which are not of Palm Springs scenarios nor are they tasteful. Bruce usually responds to mine with LOL or a question of what the hell is that. 

An example of Bruce’s

Later I dawned on me to do onto others.  Every morning after Bruce shows me his and I in turn show him mine, I proceed to pullulate the text to my own nearest and dearest. First in line is The Best Friend. After him comes my chums in Illinois, followed by The Brothers.  Then I jump over to the East Coast (who are often well into their mornings) and work westward to Shawn (the dear!) of Fearsome Beard.  

Some recipients always respond back while others seldom do or not at all.  It does not matter to me. Some don’t always get a daily dose, for I sense they are not wanting such. **

there are lovelies on the internet

I like this daisy chain of morning greetings, this simple hello! to let folks know I am thinking of them. Perhaps they have an anticipation of ‘what will today’s meme be?” 

for mornings I am rawther exhausted

I hope thems who receive them enjoy them. I like sending them, along with thoughts towards their welfare.

If any Spo-fans want a (near) daily “Good Morning” meme sent to them I would be blithe to include you.

*Brother #3 sent a photo of George, his cat, in a KFC bucket, with the title “Meat’s back on the menu, boys!”  I sent back my meme made from a photo of said cat that says “George the Cat is not amused”. Brother #4 found this hilarious. Brother #2, who does not rise before noon, did not participate.

my Wednesday morning meme

**No one has yet texted me back to say ‘please stop doing this’. I suppose thems who never reciprocate could be sending me an indirect speech act of cease and desist.

Every morning (with few exceptions) my friend Bruce sends me a photo inscribed with the words “Good morning”. I reciprocate by wishing him a good morning. Most times a send with the text a photo apropos to the one he sent me. Most of the time this intercourse is a single ‘lob’ to and from and the morning ablution is concluded. Thinking this a good idea, I save the meme and pass it on to my nearest and dearest. I start with The Best friend and The Other Michael and then on to a few ‘regulars’.  Most mornings I send the meme to a random person from my telephone roster.*

Each morning I have the anticipation of Bruce’s text and wondering ‘what will today’s meme be like?” He lives in Palm Springs, so these often have scenes from that neck of the woods.


I thought he made these himself and sends them to me personally. Later I learned it is not Bruce who makes them but someone at the condominium complex where he lives who generates the photo to all the habitués. Bruce passes it on to a lot of folks, myself included. No No surprise I suppose, but there was a slight disappointment to learn this viz.  I am not ‘special’.  Now there is a satisfaction I am part of a daisy-chain of salutations that spreads across the country every morning. 

Inspired by this, I have begun to make my own “Good morning” memes to pass along as well:


This is a silly mawkish thing to do, I know, but it is a nice way to start the day and to let folks know I am thinking of them.


*Most of the time I do not hear back from them: I wonder what they think of receiving it.   


It is Valentine’s Day tomorrow and there is a meme on Facebook I thought I would try here. Feel free to copy such a play along.

Where you first met:  Key West, Florida

How did you meet:  At ‘happy hour’ at the resort we were attending. He was on a business trip; I was on my annual winter holiday. Neither one of us was looking for such.

First date: There are conflicting stories of what happened and when it did it happen. It is like “Roshomon” without the subtitles. 

How many years together: we met in 1997. I had to get out the calculator. Patience above! 24 years!  

Age difference: Someone is older by seven years. 24 years ago it seemed more important. As we age the gap decreases in significance. 

Who was interested first: Oh, I was. I was a moonstruck idiot. 

Who is taller: I am, although we are both well over four feet. 

Most obnoxious in-laws: Someone has no relations while I have dozens and most of them have untreated ADHD. They all like to keep in touch with us. Someone should have asked a few logical questions before saying ‘yes’.

Who said “I Love you”first:  I did. 

Worst temper: Neither one of us is ill tempered. I get cross at times. When Someone is angry/upset he broods. However, he ‘lets it rip’ in the car towards obnoxious drivers. My eyes cross at such awful language. 

Most sensitive:  Someone.

Most annoying habit: He would say it is my not paying attention/not listening. As for his worse habit, Someone seems incapable at cleaning out the dryer lint trap. This is where I should have asked a few logical questions before saying ‘yes” 

Most forgiving:  We are both good at this. 

Loudest:  I have a voice once described as “Wagnerian, without the charms”. 

Who has the most useless facts: I win by a country mile. 

Funniest: I am. Do not dare to question this. 

Who wears the pants in the family: In all matters I defer to Someone. This makes for a happy marriage. 

Most stubborn:  Someone. 

Falls asleep first: Someone can fall asleep in less than five minutes, anytime and anywhere. Amazing. 

Most impatient: I am. 

Better driver: see “Who wears the pants in the family” response. 

Biggest neat freak: Ms. Kondo and I are one.  

Most social:  Urs Truly is constantly texting, calling, blogging, and reporting to Someone who doesn’t do any of these things. 

Least likely to remember to do what the other one asks him to do:

Three guesses. Oh the embarrassment. 

Most competitive: Neither one of us is so.

Best cook: I have surpassed Someone in all categories of cooking but chicken pot pie. 

Who is the handy-person: Someone is much better with his tools. The challenge is getting him to use them. I find a good way is to do so myself only to make a mess of it, obliging him to do it right in the first place.  

Post a picture:

Spo-flections and Heorot Johnsons are both closed for the day to give the author and TBDHSR time to haul out the Hallowe’en trimmings.

Here’s some memes until I can think of something worthwhile to write….


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