Oh the horror. The Board of Directors Here at Spo-reflections, curious about breakfast cereals, went out on a raid to a nearby Kroger looking for Apple Jacks. They were relatively civil about it (for Vikings) until they discovered there were no Cocoa Krispies and then all heck broke loose. They burned the place down after first hauling away as many boxes as they could carry, leaving behind all the Kashi products.* Not in a good mood they proceeded to slug it out over ‘Post vs. Kellogg’s’ until they were kicked out of their BnB and told not to return. They left a trail of Capt’n Crunch so as not to get lost.

Spo-fans may be wondering how went Wednesday’s deposition. It didn’t happen. After being on hold for twenty minutes someone at court came on line and asked if I was here for Kramer vs. Kramer which I was not. He informed me my case had been dismissed some time ago. It was both annoying and a relief.

The Good Dentist was seen that afternoon. The anesthesia apparently got into my head for I was a bit delirious throughout the procedure. It helped I can go into a dissociative state when needed, which I did. He works best with background music the type I dislike but I had sense to let him work his way rather than insist he turn it off and have him drilling away at me with unconscious resentment. He and his assisted (who was well over four feet) worked on me for two hours although it felt more. I am not sure what he did exactly. Afterwards I felt like someone had slugged my face with brass knuckles. Alas, Babylon! I have to return in a few weeks for a more permanent crown. Oh the pain.

Whether due to the stress or the nasty numbing medicine dripping down my throat for a few hours I had very bad bowels afterwards; I still do. This may be diet though as I allowed myself a kung pao carry out lunch that day after the deposition. I should shun hot peppers and/or cat.

Thursday wasn’t bad other than the lack of sleep from jaw pain and sudden wake ups to dash to the loo. I wore a Spo-shirt to work that day (Frida Kahlo) for which many gave compliments. One patient offered to buy it and I was half-tempted so sell it (having shelled out 1K for dental work) but I’m pretty sure The APA Secret Police has rules against selling things to patients especially the proverbial shirt of your back.

Today is Friday and I don’t believe there are any scheduled shenanigans. The pharm rep is asked to provide something bland and I will wear another Spo-shirt (not for sale) and no Cheerios were consumed in the process. By now the birds have probably ate the Capt’n Crunch crumb trail of TBDHSR so they are probably lost in the woods now reenacting Hansel and Gretel somewhere in The Time of Legends. I don’t envy the witch. If I had her number I’d text her to tell her to lock up the liquor they’re mean drunks.

*Sometimes they are quite sensible.