Spo-fans may recall I purchased some fabric a few weeks ago in order to make some shirts for my pending trip to California next month. Last weekend (I think it was) I made a shirt with a black and white pattern. Urs Truly isn’t a black and white sort of fellow but loves color, lots of it – usually the more the better. Oh, to give the world a paint job using bright bold colors of Emerald Green, Prussian blue, and Jungle Red! (one coat or two)!

I’ve christened this one the “Colorful Squares” shirt, a precise if not too imaginative name. It came out OK. I am pleased as Punch to have gotten the front squares to line up although I think this is more dumb luck than careful cutting. The hardest part of a shirt is connecting the yoke to the rest of the garment. This never comes out quite right. This time I sewed it on by hand. It’s tedious but worth it. Only at the end did I realize there is a better way to connect the yoke prior to sewing on the decorative stitches and that is to use a sort of ‘glue paper’ set by a hot iron. It only took over a hundred or so shirts to connect the dots on this simple notion.

I think I will stop for awhile as there are no lack of Spo-shirts to choose from for my holiday. I could change every hour!

I like this one a lot – probably because of the color. I hope it makes me looks good and not like a clown.

P.S. I just noticed the hanging thread on the starboard side sleeve. Oh the embarrassment. I will tend to that right now.