This recipe is from my mother. It has been an integral part of our Christmases since I was a boy. This is her best recipe; I make some every year. I thought I would reprint again this year, for the newer Spo -Fans.

gingerbread.jpgDanish Gingerbread Cookies
~100 cookies, depending on the size of your cookie cutters.
I usually double this recipe, as I give lots away.

1 cup softened butter
2/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1/3 cup light corn syrup
2/3 cup honey
1 t grated lemon rind
1 t vanilla
1 t ginger
½ t cloves
1 t cinnamon
1 t salt
1 t baking soda
~ 4 cups of flour

Day #1
Cream butter and sugar. Add corn syrup, honey, lemon rind, vanilla and the spices.
Add the salt and the soda. Now, add the flour, a cup at a time, until it is soft dough you can pick up as one large ball. Refrigerate the ball of dough in a covered bowel overnight.

Day #2
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Roll chunks of dough onto a floured surface, about a ¼ inch thick. Cut out fabulous patterns using your extensive cookie-cutter collection. ( Holly leaves and Gingerbread boys taste the best ).
Place on greased and floured pans; bake for 7 minutes; cool on a wire rack to room temperature, prior to frosting.

Day #3 (can be combined with Day #2)
Frosting time!

1lb confectioner’s sugar
4 T melted butter
1 t vanilla extract
Milk (or soy milk)

Using an electric mixer, combine a 1/3 of the sugar with the butter; add the vanilla to make a paste. Add the rest of the sugar, keeping it moist via milk. You want it smooth enough to spread but not runny. (If it is too runny, add more sugar; too thick add more milk).
Use food colouring, decorating bits etc. and channel Martha Stewart. Or better yet, channel my mother.