One of the joys of blogging is Blogger Buddies and Spo-fans send me things from time to time. These are never expected. The delightful surprise I get upon receiving something is almost as good as the prize* itself.


Over the years I have received several  –


Birthday cards (many)

Stained glass

A chocolate letter

Jars of homegrown pickles and homemade jam


A set of Stephen King novels


Yards of fabric


To name a few.


Today I received this thermos –


It is “guaran-teaed” to keep my favorite beverage hot or cold.

It was sent by Ron (the dear!).  Thank you !!! I will think of you whenever I use it, which will be often!

This object, like its predecessors, symbolizes the love and friendship of my fellow bloggers.  That is the real ‘prize’!


Newer Spo-fans may not know:  in my family gifts are referred to as ‘prizes’.