Sean (the dear!) has a seven something meme he does on Sunday. I like a good meme so why not – and place it on a Friday instead

Something I thought about: Who is going to take care of me when I am 87. Father lives with Brother #3 and has regular night aides in to help then. The other brothers take turn taking care of his needs, which aren’t much but they require our help he can’t do anything on his own. I won’t have such resource. I hope to go suddenly so I don’t dissolve away as father has.

Something I saw: Cranes. There are cranes in this part of the woods. They are lovely although a bit unsettling to see as I wasn’t expecting such lovelies.

Something I heard: Dogs. Frequently. It’s pretty quiet here other than Father’s nonstop classical music in the background. Then, out of nowhere, the two dogs let out a howl suggesting the house is under attack. They cannot be let out fast enough and they run like the wind to whatever is out there I never see what it is. Happily they come back and there is no sign of ructions otherwise.

Something I tasted: Win Schuler’s bar cheese. Back when I was in college my relations would come into town, see the game, and take me out to Win Schuler’s restaurant. It’s gone now but its bar cheese lives on in plastic tubs bought at Meijer Shifty Takers. It’s the same thing really a bright orange unique to itself. Tasting it again I feel like I am back in school.

Something I learned: My phone has Siri. Father frequently calls out to Siri to tell him the time or what is the weather or to play something. If I am nearby his voice evokes my phone to speak up and answer his question. This surprises me as I didn’t know my phone did such a thing. It was a bit unsettling. Interesting the iPhone answers him with the time, he doesn’t like it, and then asks Echo the exact same question ‘what time is it” which Echo says which is same time as a second ago.

Something I accomplished: Managing the menagerie. Dogs; cats; birds; chickens – all need feeding and tending to. The dogs require attention; the cats require tins of meat at 6AM or there is no peace. In between I take dad to the chair, the table, the loo, and the bed.

Something I created: an omelette. I have never made an omelette before. Really, it’s true. I’ve always been intimidated to try as I thought they were difficult to make. I have plenty of eggs here to practice with. I reviewed ‘how to do it’ videos and made one and viola! It came out well. It was almost a disappointment to get it right the first time.