You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 10, 2024.

Finally! I have a day that isn’t loaded like a baked potato with too many toppings. I am writing this blog entry and more important later on I can make rounds today and find out how are the blogger buddies. Up to no good that’s certain.

It’s sunny and warm enough today; it feels like spring. I’ve opened some windows and let in some ersatz fresh air. The bed sheets are ‘flapping in the breeze’ as it were hanging from the bed frame. Oh to have an outside clothes line! However Someone would be horrified and it is probably against the HOA laws. Stirges.

Last week I felt an odd sensation along one of the upper left molars, a sharpness implying something has chipped. On Friday the whole crown came off. Oh the pain. The Good Dentist wanted to put a very expensive crown on one of the upper right gnashers but I was too cheap to do so. Alas Babylon! Having no tooth at all is a misery; I see him on Tuesday for what will be a very expensive tooth job. At least I have the money. I was hoping to save for a summer trip but no more.

Yesterday I checked off the ‘opera bucket list’ hearing ‘The force of destiny’ by Verdi. Live from the Met HD put it on. I wasn’t disappointed.They put it in modern times with the war scenes set in the Ukraine. The only music I knew from the opera is a lovely prayer “la vergine degli Angeli”:

Work seems to have picked up. The House Manager says a couple of new therapists are coming as well as a sort of new ‘boss’. There’s rumors of another nurse too – that would make three total. They are all female so I remain the one man among all these women. It’s an interesting dynamic being the only man at work. THM is planning on buying me a new printer of my office, for “Old Betsy’ constantly gets stuck on paper. These are ‘good signs’ the place isn’t about the shut.

Speaking of expenses I have to renew my prescribing license. In past applications they ask if I have ever sought treatment for mental illness. No doctor in his or her right mind would say yes to this as it puts their license in jeopardy. The consequence is thems in mental health don’t seek help for such lest they have to say ‘yes’ on the application or lie by saying ‘no’. I wonder if this year the question is expunged. They just want my 900 dollars really.

It’s been ages since I visited Uncle Albertsons so I went, going with the goal to ‘save money’ but not buying things on impulse, getting ‘store brand’ rather than national, and when in doubt – don’t. I did well and good for me! Despite my prudence the bill was 171 dollars. Imagine what it would have been like if I hadn’t followed the guidelines! I don’t take truck with the given explanations why food and drugs and gasoline are so bloody expensive when all these villains are reporting huge profits more than ever. Stirges. I wish there was a way to get back at them other than these mentioned shopping tips. We forgot to mind the meal kits so last week we got two boxes (Hello fresh and Blue apron) at the same time so our cupboards and freezers are full for awhile.

One more thing: Last week we were at a concert when I spotted a group using one of me favorite word:

See! I am not the only one who uses it!

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March 2024

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