You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 28, 2024.

Greetings from Michigan Land of perpetual Snow and Ice. I am on Eastern Time which is three hours ahead of Normal Time but there is no sleeping in as the biological alarm clock goes off at 6AM and there is no snooze button:

Apparently Brother #2 on his rotation forgot to mind the chickens for when I went out this morning their feed pail was empty and there were eleven eggs. Hot puppies! Best Easter bracket ever! This morning I made three eggs over-easy and I ate them with relish. They were slightly overcooked it was a disappointment for I like my yolks bright, warm, and slightly runny- like my men.

Despite being away on holiday Brother #3 likes to check in via calls and texts. I am glad he does for I managed to ‘lock’ the microwave oven that it became inoperable. Father is easily vexed if his routine is even slightly off, resulting in him telling me to ‘Call Bill”. This is a annoying as I am a big boy and can do things myself. The exception is how to fix the microwave, which SIL #3 explained is fixed by pressing and holding the cancel button for three seconds. This worked and disaster was abated. Thank goodness.

Since I was last in Brother #3 did some construction on the house. The guest room now has its own loo, which is nice that I don’t have to go down the hall to the one used by the niblings. This involved putting on trousers lest Princess-Goddess or Posthumous Thomas see Uncle in his underwear in the middle of the night. Oh the embarrassment. Now I don’t have to anymore; the only ones seeing me sans pants (the means without) are the dogs, who decided I make a good bed companion.

Today is opening day for The Tigers so the afternoon’s entertainment is established. Still being on Normal Time I will probably take a nap. I’ve never enjoyed listening to ballgames on radio; I can’t focus on such. There’s work to be done anyway. Dogs want in and dogs want out several times a day. Every so often the two of them let out a howl of agitation apparently having spotted something in the yard so out they go running like the wind towards the intruder. I never see what they are after. Could be ghosts but I suspect squirrels. I never see them bring back anything.

I must pace myself as I have four days of this madcap living tending animals and aged parents. Wish I could send the Spo-fans some eggs; we have heaps.

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March 2024

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