You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 20, 2012.

Damned if I can come up with something interesting.

Today was my first day back at work. Normally I toss and turn the night prior, wondering ‘what awaits me’ , but his was lessened this time thanks to EMR.  On the negative, work and vacation were blurred somewhat: I would periodically ‘check in’ via the internet to renew prescription and return the more pressing calls. On the positive, I didn’t have much to do this Monday morning, having done it in piecemeal through last week.  The only nasty thing awaiting me was a rather terse memo about what to do with patients when the system crashes (see them and wing it).  Otherwise, work is settling down as if I was never away.

My friend Eileen reads my Tarot cards each Sunday. She tells me this week’s reading says it will be productive but uninspiring.  Indeed. There are no plans ahead of me. I had my special week in July (Alaska) and annual trek to Canada, and that’s that. Having no further holiday plans is a bummer, for  I like to having to have something in anticipation.

There isn’t anything to interfere with regular gym appointments and exercise. So I have not excuse not to go.

A blogger buddy gave me some fabric with this sort of pattern;

He hopes I can turn it into a shirt.  It will be a challenge given the specific pattern. I need to get the geese to fish just so. I also need to tailor my pattern a bit so the shirt is not too bulky.

This is about all the excitement happening in my life, other than trying to find someone who would be interested in sharing with me some of the whiskies I brought back from Canada. Someone has no interest in whisky, and it is not much fun to drink whisky alone. Like wine, whisky tastes better when shared with another.

I must get back to my paperwork/homework and back the gym bag for the morrow.

I hope by tomorrow The Muses have come up with something more substantial on which to write.

Stay tuned. 

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August 2012

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