You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 28, 2013.

It is 5AM and I am wide awake. Tai (the dear!) sent me a lovely holiday greeting which appeared at 430AM. I woke instantly thinking it was a page. Having retired early last night, I am now bright eyed and busy tailed; all dressed up but nowhere to go, as it were.

I sent off a handful of holiday greetings and I just played my best move in Scrabble (93 points).

I’m still recuperating from the flu; Someone is coming down with it. We are going to spend the day more or less as invalids. The Lovely Neighbor is out of town, but she sublet her house to the neighborhood’s handyman. He and his wife – and 30 of their relations – have invited us over today. We will probably make a cameo appearance* and call it a day. This isn’t the most memorial of thanksgivings, but on the positive, we start the holiday season without all those obscene calories (PV is only a few months away after all).

On this day many bloggers compose an entry listing all the people and things for which they are thankful. I think I am very good at with being grateful everyday;  I shan’t list them all here.

In summary I am indeed quite thankful for all the people I have encountered through blogging e.g. my fellow bloggers, the “lurkers”, and Spo-fans far and wide.

Happy Thanksgiving !


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November 2013

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