You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 20, 2013.

pencilUrs Truly has made a MEME about blogging.  These questions are a conglomerate of questions bloggers and nonbloggers have asked me over the years.  To get the ball rolling I provide my own answers.   I hope you find this interesting enough to try it yourself.

What you like most about being a blogger?

When I started blogging 6-7 years ago I liked how it gave me a channel to express myself through creative writing. Now I like it most for the people I meet along the way.

How many bloggers have you met?

Before March 2013, I had met maybe a dozen, if I count the ones no longer blogging. After “The Delaware soiree” my dance card swelled to over three dozen.

Do you ever go back and read your old entries?

I try not to do this, for I want to edit and ‘improve things’, which is an endless task.

Do you share your job skills here?

Yes, I write about psychiatry and psychology  in the hopes of helping others.  It is part of the ‘job description’ of being a Healer.

Have you changed your views about anything thanks to blogging?

Yes. I am no longer opposed to the legalization of marijuana, although I find it loathsome.

Do your coworkers know about your blog?

Not that I know. I had one patient announce she/he had found my blog. It was a reminder to be quite thoughtful before I push the ‘publish’ button.

What advice would you give for successful blogging?

This depends how we define ‘successful’ of course. I think one should blog first for yourself, not for an audience or to get warm fuzzies.  Nothing attracts readers like self assurance.

What is your opinion of aardvarks?

I have a great respect for them; I try to transform into one on a regular basis.

Do you publish everything you write ?

Nearly everything. Sometimes I will write out an idea, work on it and discover it is boring or dated. I then delete it.

If you could make ‘three rules’ for blogging, what would they be?

1# Readers should leave a comment to tell the blogger they were there and this acts as a thank you for your work.

2# Bloggers are not allowed to ‘disappear’; they must give notice of a pending closing down.

3# If a blog ‘goes private’ this should also be announced.  I dislike showing up suddenly to a ‘locked door  without being told ahead of time or at least offered an invite to come in.

Do people help you write your blog?

Sometimes I run an idea by Someone or ask his advise.  I don’t ask anyone else.

Who are your blogger super-heroes?

Mitchell is Moving is my current ego-ideal and role model. His blog is consistently entertaining and beautifully illustrated with the most colorful photos.

Gambrinous with griffonage is also “top of my list” when it comes to fabulousness.

Final question (if you dare!) :

Have you slept with any of your fellow bloggers?

Does ‘In my dreams” count? 😀

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November 2013

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