The first of August is a ‘holiday’ for me: it is Lammas Day, or Lughnasadh the first day of autumn in the Pagan calender – three month countdown to Hallowe’en.

I associate August with light blue, the colour of the sky. I have on my ‘August blue’ shirt, the first shirt I ever made.


It is the birthday of my Grandfather, and his twin sister, “Grandma Susan”. Grandfather liked dry martinis. On this day I make a dry martini in his memory and honor. Thanks to Facebook, I learned via Facebook my second cousins (descended from Susan) also honor the day with an old fashioned , which was her drink.  Bless them both, and all their descendants!


The martini I used to make for Grandfather as evolved over time. Nowadays I like to use proper ingredients and better proportions.  Tonight Someone and I will use Hendriks, which is a fancy gin with a tint of rose and cucumbers. I remembered to put two martini glasses in the freezer so the drinks will stay cold in the blasted Arizona summer.  I am looking forward to this, for I haven’t had a martini in ages.


So ‘early autumn” starts well – a martini toast to the ancestors, and a trip to Canada.  Happy August, or Lammas or Lughnasadh.


And soon, post #2000!  how exciting!